Board Meeting Report August 13, 2024
This is a summary of the 8/31/2024 open board meeting
Secretary Report – Harold announced that Shelley Hamilton resigned. There is no report.
Treasurer Report – The board has received a bid from DynaElectric for a transformer at $43,758. There is a lead time of 7 1/2 months. Payment is due when it is delivered in about 8 months. This is a 7% ($2,869) increase from the quote the prior board was given.
Architectural and Landscape Report – There was no report. This position remains vacant.
Maintenance Report – * Eagle paving came back and filled some of the worst cracks. * Thermostats have been adjusted in the clubhouse. The board asks that residents not adjust the settings. * The new landscape company, Green Valley Landscape and Maintenance, will be onsite Tuesdays and Thursdays. George feels that they are doing an “excellent job. * The board did not consider future maintenance costs when getting landscape bids before terminating John and Lorenzo. Maintenance needs and costs remain unaddressed at this time. * An inventory of the tools, supplies, and cart was completed. The intention is to sell. * The board approved the purchase of 3 utility box covers at about $700 each. * Some street lights are connected to owners’ panels. A solar street light was presented as an option to replace the street lights and remove the hardwiring. They cost $140 each. The board will consider this option. * Two pool lights are burned out. To replace or repair it will cost $825/bulb or $1,000/fixture. Since lights are required if a pool is to be available after dark. The other option to consider is not to repair or replace the light and close the pool when it is dark. * A reminder was given that the PK Management website is another option to submit maintenance requests.
Security Report – A reminder to not park cars in the street. Contractors are allowed if they need access to their supplies. Please refer to the Rules & Regulations.
Recreation Report – It was reported that the Recreation petty cash fund is now at $1,357.09. Most of this comes from recycles. Please remember to set out your bottles and cans every Tuesday morning for pick-up. There was a recreation meeting at 2:30 and about 15 ladies came. Events are being planned and will be posted in the clubhouse and on this website as soon as they are made public.
President Report – Harold nominated Rod Koelewyn in #3 to replace Shelley as Secretary. The board approved this nomination. Welcome Rod to the board. The next open board meeting will be held on 9/10/24 @ 3:30 PM. The Board was dismissed to go to an executive session.