Board of Director Meeting
January 14 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
A homeowner forum precedes the board meeting and allows owners an opportunity to express themselves. The board is limiting each person 3 minutes with a maximum time for the forum of 15 minutes. The board is not obligated to respond or take action on anything brought forth by owners. Owners can not speak during the board meeting unless added on the meeting agenda by the President.
It is the belief of this editor that the current board is consistently violating the California Brown Act/Open Meeting Act. “Transparency and the Open Meeting Act” refers to the concept that the Open Meeting Act, a law requiring government bodies (including HOAs) to conduct their meetings publicly, promotes transparency by allowing the public to access information about decision-making, ensuring accountability. Owners are supposed to be able to see and hear how decisions are being made, rather than them happening behind closed doors. This includes hearing reports and information that is being reviewed by the board they use as the basis for their decisions.
The board’s lack of transparency and lack of accountability is the main ingredient for the divisiveness within our HOA. Attend the board meetings, voice your concerns, and become a part of a movement to bring harmony and ethics back to our community.